CCA FAME Monthly Meeting
Monday, July 8, 2024 · 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
Attendees: Lindsey, Lynette, Danielle, Lisa, Peg
Facilitator: Lindsey and Lynette
Note taker: Lindsey
Approval of Previous Minutes - (Motion -Peg , Second - Lisa)
Approval of Treasurer’s Report: See at bottom of blog post.
Lynette to review Treasurer's Report
Present updated concession information - For FAME run concession stands, 30% will go back to general fund and 70% will go to the organization.
Update on banking fees - FAME pays a fee each time a venmo or credit card is used, so that total that we might see from a fundraiser is going to be different than the amount actually deposited because of having to pay those fees.
Yard Sign-Update: We are no longer pursuing. They are too expensive.
Fruit Sales to benefit general fund-Yes, this is a go. Try to start after mum sales.
Mum Sales to benefit show choir-Tracy is still interested in doing these. Peg is working on getting someone to buy mums for us at the auction. We have a trailer secured! Would like to distribute them on Friday, Sept. 13th
New Ideas
Avenue of Flags with North Liberty Optimist: Do we want to pick up an additional route?
What are we fundraising for? Are there specific items for different programs that would be a "hook" for people to donate?
Other ideas: Amana Community Chest(Lisa), Carver(Lindsey), Xtreme Arena(Lindsey)
Report from Band Leadership/Freshman Lunch-Aug. 5th
Show Choir Lunch-Aug. 14th
Band Car Wash-Aug. 17-Lynette is going to post to Facebook to remind people, please share
Locations Confirmed-LL Pelling, Depot in Oxford, Theisen's
Sign-Up Genius for Copeland/Bills to send out has been created
Aug. 24th-Band Preview Day with Ice Cream Social
Need to purchase ice cream cups (Lynette)
Plenty of spoons in FAME closet
Back to School Nights at the Elementary Schools-Can anyone go and answer questions about FAME? Sign up Genius available and brochures. Lynette shared the sign up genius and will post on the FB page and CCA website. Lindsey or Lynette will provide volunteers with the materials.
Bylaw Review
a. Review in preparation for the 2024-2025 school year. (FAME board has not heard when the meeting will be with the district this year. The Bylaws are posted to the CCAFAME webpage.
5. President and Secretary Positions Open
Danielle Cavanary and Lisa Persels for Secretary! Wahooooo!