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April 2024 Agenda and Minutes

CCA FAME Monthly Meeting

Monday, April 15, 2024 · 6:30 – 8:00 pm

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Attendees: Quanda Hood, Lindsey Downes, Lynette Williams and Peg Van Zante

Facilitator: Quanda Hood

Note taker:  Quanda Hood

Approval of Previous Minutes - Approved (Motion - Peg Z, Second Lindsey D)

Approval of Treasurer’s Report:  See at bottom of blog post.

  1. Financials

    1. Board to Discuss Concessions - how to handle and breakdown so that the individual program is not eating the cost of iventory 100%. Needs to be spread amoungst all the concessions or just a debit to the general fund.

    2. Mattress Sale

      1. We will not know until all sales are final.

      2. Requested a ballpark number from Tim D - have not heard back yet.

  2. Musical

    1. We do not have all transactions processed through HillsBank/QB because Venmo and WIX take time to process through (ACH), and there are credit card fees. Amounts sold will not tie out 100% due to transaction fees.

    2. Concessions Cash - $2198.65* $150.00 to be deposited in the coming week.

    3. Concessions WIX - $3436.42

    4. Concession Venmo - $880.77

    5. Total: $6515.84 ($4050 - Silent Auction) - $2465.84

  3. Fundraising

    1. Scratch - $62.00 - Need to evaluate repeating.

    2. Tidal Wave - $300.00 - Easy fundraiser with a light lift and burden on FAME so worth repeating, just need to evaluate timing.

    3. Snap Raise (Baseball team used) - Setting up account

      1. Summer Fundraiser?

      2. Quanda is meeting with the rep from Snap Raise to discuss use and get started with a fundraiser - perhaps the yard sign.

    4. Yard Signs

      1. Process Finalized with FastSigns

      2. Confirm with Boosters

      3. Will have on display and begin pushing online and at Monster Band.

  4. Events

    1. WAMAC Art - request from Art Dept for a light snack for about 120 people, at the high school on Wednesday, April 17th @ 9 am. No assistance is needed; they will set up and distribute.

    2. AE Musical T-Shirts - Teacher Allocation and AE PTO.

    3. Monster Band - planning to begin this week. 6 pm (5th, 7th and Concert Band - Combined Band) - 7:30 pm (6th , 8th and Wind Ensemble - Combined Band)

    4. Clipper Children’s Choir - May 11th? Lunch 10:30am and performance is at 1:00pm.

  5. Scholarships

    1. Two applicants, so there is no need for judges. Both will be awarded. Quanda will notify the school and attend the award ceremony.

    2. Begin preparations for Summar Camp Scholarships

  6. Elections

    1. Begin preparations for the election of President and Secretary

      1. Nominations

      2. Voting

  7. Bylaw Review

    1. Begin review in preparation for the 2024-2025 school year.

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