CCA FAME Monthly Meeting
Monday, July 8, 2024 · 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
Attendees: Quanda, Jill Daly, Lynette, Lindsey, JP Cartier
Facilitator: Quanda
Note taker: Lindsey
Approval of Previous Minutes - These were not discussed.
Approval of Treasurer’s Report: See at bottom of blog post.
Lynette to review Treasurer's Report
Present updated concession information
Yard Signs
Process Finalized with FastSigns (Should be ready to go by Aug. 1st)....working on shipping costs
Confirm with Boosters (30%/70% split)
Fruit Sales to benefit general fund?
Mum Sales to benefit show choir? (Lindsey is reaching out to Tracy Williams to see if she would still like to do fundraiser, if so then Lindsey will reach out to Peg to see if she is interested in heading this up as in years past)
New Ideas
Avenue of Flags with North Liberty Optimist-Lynette and Quanda both spoke on this regarding possibly adding a route for next year to include more flags.
Band Leadership/Freshman Lunch-Aug. 5th-Lindsey needs to get number from Chris. Depending on that we will use the left overs from Monster Band
Show Choir Lunch-Aug. 14th-Lindsey needs to get number from Tracy. Depending on that we will use the left overs from Monster Band, if not used for band.
Band Car Wash-Aug. 17
Confirm locations-LL Pelling, Depot in Oxford, Theisen's(Lindsey will confirm)
Create Sign-Up Genius for Copeland/Bills to send out (Lynette will create)
Aug. 24th-Band Preview Day with Ice Cream Social (little ice cream cups)(Need spoons...check FAME closet)
Bylaw Review
a. Review in preparation for the 2024-2025 school year.
5. President and Secretary Positions Open