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CCA FAME Special Meeting

Member Requests and Questions

Two members have asked several questions and requested information about FAME. They are listed below for information sharing and discussion.

  1. Review of By-Laws

    1. Link to current By-laws

    2. By-Laws are under review in preparation for the 2024-2025 school year.

  2. Paid Family Membership List

    1. with Date Paid

    2. This will not be shared in a manner that does not protect a person's privacy.

    3. Information shared at meeting only.

  3. Business Membership List

    1. Paid Date & Amount

    2. Information shared at meeting only.

  4. March Statement of Financial Position

    1. Shared at monthly meeting on 3/18

  5. Minutes

    1. Agendas and Minutes fell behind in terms of posting.

    2. All Agenda and Minutes posted for 10/2023 to present, except 12/2023, as December's Meeting was Cancelled.

    3. Agenda and minutes to post here:

    4. Will add Statements of Financial Position and Activity to the previous minutes in the next few days.

  6. FAME Elections

    1. Before our fiscal year in July, we ask if anyone is interested in office or any nominations; typically, there have not been. However, going forward this May there will be a request for nominations and a vote will be held for President and Secretary in 2024-2025.

    2. Next school year 2025-2026 there will be nominations and voting for Vice President and Treasurer.

    3. This should ensure there are always knowledgable people in office and overlapping each other.

  7. Marketing Committee or Lead

    1. Would it be beneficial to add a marketing person(s) to FAME team to promote and coordinate business relations ~ how to make the relationship a win / win for both FAME and the contributor?   

    2. The team can discuss and decide.

  8. Current FAME PO Box

    1. The official PO Box for FAME is PO Box 23. That mailbox is checked regularly by the Secretary and Treasurer.

    2. FAME has a "mail slot" at the HS for internal mail, and if someone does mail something to the school, it is put in that mailbox; however, the preference is for all official mail to be sent and directed to PO Box 23 as that is the address on file with our financial partners as well as the IRS.

  9. Giving Tree donations ~ states all will be used for money market accounts.  If, when a donation is made, the person providing the gift requests it be allocated for a specific group, is that happening,. or are these considered 'general funds'? 

    1. Unsure of where there is a statement that ALL funds will be deposited into the Money Market Account. That is not the case; funds are ONLY transferred to the money market when not specified for a specific group.

    2. The opening deposit was from funds in the General Account.

    3. Information shared at meeting only.

  10. Are yard signs no longer being pursued? 

    1. Yes, yard signs are being pursued.

    2. Process has to be verified by FastSigns and Boosters to finalized.

    3. Should go live by 4/1.

  11. Have the necessary bids for the band trailer been acquired?  If not, who is the appropriate person to make that happen so finalized and completed prior to fall marching band season?

    1. We do not control bids, the district does through their approved vendors. They procured one bid from AlphaGraphics, that is who will do the work.

    2. Again, the district makes that decision and plans, and all we do is reimburse funds, which we did early in the 2023-2024 school year.

    3. The trailer required warranty repair before it could be wrapped. That has been completed.

    4. The wrap date the school was given is 3/18.

    5. The goal is to finish the trailer well before the next marching season. Perhaps if done by Monster Band, we could ask to have it parked by the footfield so folx can view it.

    6. The band trailer is complete as of 3/20, photos posted on Facebook page.

  12. Fundraising Process

    1. We are required to submit a form and get approval for fundraisers from the District.

    2. These and other rules we must compile with are in the Affiliate Group Handbook.

    3. This handbook is reviewed yearly in August before the coming school year.

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