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March 2023 Agenda and Minutes

CCA FAME Monthly Meeting

Monday, March 13th · 6:30 – 8:00pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Attendees: Quanda Hood, Kelly Schieltz,Lindsey Downes, Pegg Van Zante, Kurt Ronnfeldt, Becky Bethke.

  1. Approval of Minutes - LINK - approved

  2. Approval of Treasurer’s Report - LINK

    1. Quickbooks update: Finishing reconciliation, regular touchpoint to review.

  3. Motion to make Becky the secretary - approved. (Lindsey Downes motioned, and Kelly Schieltz 2nd)

  4. Activities:

    1. Upcoming Events

      1. Mattress Sale - 3/26

        1. Big push at Show Choir Showcase, Monster Band and Pops Night.

        2. Need to get Flyers and Yard Signs to OHE and MS

        3. Quanda to see if we can put signs & flyers up at the Tiffin Firefighters breakfast.

          1. Becky to deliver.

      2. Costco Fundraiser - 4/2

        1. Update - $18.99 is the cost - Sell Price: $25.99

        2. Orders will close 4/2

        3. Pick Ups - 5/3 from 4 - 8 pm and 5/9 from 6 - 8 pm.

        4. Will get posts for FB ready, flyer for Monster Band, emails sent, in backpack and to various other outlets to advertise.

        5. LINK to order

      3. Monster Band - 475 students 5-12 District Wide-Tuesday, March 21st

        1. Rescheduled to 3/21 - still need volunteers but otherwise all the same. Nothing has been lost from 3/9.

        2. Purchased POS Hardware for all selling this should help us with better counts of events and what is sold so that we can plan future events better.

        3. Inventory - We took inventory of what we had on hand and purchased only what was needed. LINK

        4. Pizza pick up and delivery? Or any volunteers (from Costco).

          1. Pick-up around 3:30, for 4:00 delivery.

          2. There will be approximately 18 pizzas.

          3. Peg can pick up and have to the high school by 4:00.

      4. Musical Silent Auction

        1. Baskets-Use this list and reach out to different businesses/help put together a basket. Please mark on the list who you have contacted and what you have received/picked up.

          1. Link is going to 2022 baskets. Quanda to fix the link.

        2. Still working on baskets but a little on hold with three fundraisers coming up so we’ll start hitting it hard once we get past Monster Band.

      5. Future event Ideas - Kelly S

        1. Karaoke Night? Pair with a date night?

          1. On Stage (in auditorium?)

          2. Commons for younger kids to watch a movie

        2. Date Night/Holiday Shopping?

          1. Face painting movie, concessions, games, inflatables, etc

          2. Could do holiday crafts if around the holidays. (Lindsey)

          3. For holiday shopping, if parents would be heading to Coral Ridge Mall, TE or OH would be on the way for CCE and Amana kids. (Kelly)

        3. Summer-ish Carnival?

          1. Face painting, Dunk Tank, Inflatables, etc.

          2. Process would be the same. Would need to make sure we’re not interrupting summer schedules for grounds work, other maintenance work.

          3. Summer 2023 might be too soon. Possibly look at this for summer 2024.

          4. Would the bigger thrill be doing something at the high school? Would this maybe draw kids from all over the district? (Lindsey)

        4. RAGBRAI is coming through the Amana Colonies/Oxford on July 28th. Is there an opportunity to do a fundraising event while in town?

          1. Peg forwarded the email with the info from the RAGBRAI site and the Oxford city site to Quanda.

        5. Quanda filled out the forms with Aramark to work at Carver events and events at the XTREAM arena.

  1. District Needs

    1. Old - Marching Band Trailer Wrap - RFQs - finally got an update from the CO

      1. $6110.83 - What is FAME willing to donate? LINK

      2. There needs to be more than one RFQ.- In Progress

      3. The trailer is used for some away football games, speech, show choir, etc.

      4. Quanda to get with Kurt to determine usage of the trailer and how much we want to fund.

    2. New - Marching Band Trailer

      1. District to cover Trailer Cost

      2. FAME to cover wrap and accessories


      4. Quote from Berg Auto Sales - LINK, IMAGE

      5. There needs to be more than one RFQ.- In Progress

      6. Kurt can’t see this trailer being used for athletics. Will anyone else use this trailer? If only used for band, might need to do a band fundraiser. (Lindsey’s thought)

      7. Quanda to reach out to the athletic boosters to see if we can work any concessions.

    3. PAC Upgrades -

      1. Another Payout: $3405.02

      2. Payout so far: $3704.81

      3. Looking to fill out the South Slope Grant App to get additional funds - In Progress

      4. Ceremony or some kind of recognition event? - Kurt

        1. Can we piggyback with something that is already at the PAC?

          1. Quanda to find out when this is expected to be done.

          2. Spring musical?

          3. Spring band concert and choir concert?

        2. Can we charge a small fee for people to join the live streams?

          1. This should be possible but the district would want to be consistent across all groups.

    4. Tuba for 5th Grade Band - Approved

      1. Quanda to add amount (around $3,000).

  2. Family Memberships

    1. For now $50 for Individual

    2. Tiers to be set up - SWAG in progress - Targeting 2023/2024 School Year

    3. Go to Kindergarten Round Up to promote FAME-Spring

    4. Back to School Nights-Need to know when they are in advance-Fall

  3. Business Memberships

    1. Business Letter

    2. Need help to reach out to other businesses.

    3. Reduced membership to $300.

  4. Swag for Tiers

    1. Lapel Pin - very inexpensive, base level membership, easy to wear at events

    2. New T-Shirt

    3. Yard Sign

      1. We have information on the manf, working on getting a sample made.

      2. Will need to send to District to Review - Quanda

      3. Reach out to Athletics Booster about partnership - Quanda

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