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July 2023 Agenda and Minutes

CCA FAME Monthly Meeting

Monday, July 10th · 6:30 – 7:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Attendees: Quanda Hood, Lindsey Downes, Kelly Scheitz, Becky Bethke, Elaine Watson, Peg Van Zante, Jill Daly

Approval of Minutes

Approval of Treasurer’s Report

Still an open Treasurer Position

  1. Upcoming Events

    1. RAGBRAI is coming through the Amana Colonies/Oxford on July 28th 10-6.

  1. Finalize and determine items to purchase and sell: Bananas $1, Water $1, Electrolyte Water $2, Gatorade $2, Trail Mix $2.

  2. Send order to Costco

  3. CCA Fame will be located in the paved space to the north of Peerless

  4. Can we have students singing/playing music?

    1. Ask went out to Fine Arts Teachers for any performances.

    2. Brittany talked with Suz for Show Choir

  5. We’ll set serving 3000 people as our goal.

  6. Marketing

    1. Banner with items for sale and prices. - Quanda to take care of this.

    2. Facebook posts

    3. Tiffin (Lindsey) & NL (Quanda) Mamas?

    4. Tiffin Newsletter?

    5. Website Email

    6. Tiffin City Hall - Electronic Sign

    7. Depot - Electronic Sign

    8. Make sure Fine Arts Teacher

  7. Logistics

    1. Can place an order for all items with Costco.

      1. Set pick-up date - Thurs July 27th?

      2. Pallet is 48 cases of water

      3. Quanda & Lindsey to go to Costco and talk to Rick.

      4. Bananas

      5. Trail Mix - how many/box, box/pallet?

  1. Rent U-Haul or see about borrowing a band trailer from school.

    1. UHaul doesn't have fridge trucks, but Penske might?

  2. We have to file something with Johnson County to let them know that we won't have items that need to be refrigerated.

    1. Johnson County Health has to come out and inspect everything at 8am.

    2. Quanda will do this tomorrow.

  3. Pallets of water can be purchased from Crystal Clear Water ($378?).

    1. They can deliver the water. Unsure if they have a way to keep it cold.

    2. Quanda to call Crystal Clear tomorrow.

  4. Quanda created a Sign UP Genius. Two hour shifts, starting at 10am.

  5. Summer Carnival - summer 2024

    1. Plan the carnival for next summer. Ask now for folks to volunteer for a planning committee. N International Festival - Being Planned by the District, conflict? Possibly at the end of the 2023-2024 school year?

      1. Quanda to create a signup genius for planning committee.

  6. Tidal Wave car wash has a digital fundraiser. - Winter Fundraiser

  7. Light Up Oxford - date - 12/1

    1. Advertise better

    2. Line Up Carollers

  8. 365 Nutrition - fundraiser for show choir. We get 40% of the profits.

    1. 8/27 - 8 am to 1 pm

    2. Have flyer for

  9. Band Camp Leadership/Freshman Lunch - 60 people

    1. 7/31 - 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

    2. Sandwiches

    3. Drinks, dessert (cookies)

    4. Paper goods

    5. Peanut allergy - (avoid bakery items at Hy-Vee)

  10. Show Choir Lunch

    1. 8/9 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

    2. Sandwiches

    3. Peanut allergy (avoid bakery items at Hy-Vee)

    4. Quanda - Double check with Tracy on count

  11. Car Wash - Saturday 8/12 9-3

    1. Three locations - Oxford is still in the works

    2. Elementary School, Fire Station, Church?

    3. Theisens, The Depot in Oxford?, First National Bank in Oxford? Hummer?

      1. Lindsey to work on Oxford location.

  1. District Needs

    1. We meet with the district on Sept 14th at 6pm for the Affiliate meeting.

      1. We need to provide a copy of the bylaws, budget, and officers.*

      2. We will give them Teacher Allocations and the things we generally do from year to year, but we will not give them the proposed money up front.

    2. Trailer Band Wraps

      1. Need one piece of clip art for the final design.

      2. Chris and Quanda are working on finalizing the design.

      3. Our name, logo, and QR code will be included in the design.

      4. Quanda working on getting 3 quotes.

    3. PAC Upgrades -

      1. End of Summer is when we are expecting work to be completed.

    4. Drum Major ladders - these were not ordered previously. These will be ordered ASAP.

  2. Family Memberships

    1. $50 for Individual

    2. Tiers to be set up - SWAG in progress - Targeting 2023/2024 School Year

  3. Business Memberships

    1. Business Letter - updating

    2. Need help to reach out to other businesses.

    3. $500.

  4. Giving Tree

    1. Mutual Fund

  5. Swag for Tiers

    1. Tier 1: Lapel Pin/Sticker - $50

    2. Tier 2: T-Shirt plus Tier 1 - $75

    3. Tier 3: Yard Sign plus Tiers 1 and 2 - $150

      1. We will do a blue background w/ white lettering and a white background w/ blue lettering option and use the CCA approved font.

      2. Peg is willing help out and to manage the management of the signs and riders.

      3. Have purchaser pay for shipping if they want to have shipped directly to them. Free (reduced) shipping if shipped to Peg & pick up at an arranged pick up time.

      4. Have these only available for Tier 3 members.

      5. There is no discount for multiple signs.

      6. What do we do about the sports boosters? Or only offer fine arts if the boosters/school doesn't want to participate?

  6. Monster Band - Meeting to discuss not yet planned.

    1. Won't be able to do in the gym this year. Looking for alternative locations.

      1. Amana Performing Arts Center?

      2. Park Place in Tiffin by Casa Tequila, in the grassy area?

      3. District Office?

      4. Parking Lot at the school?

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