CCA FAME Monthly Meeting
Monday, August 14th · 6:30 – 7:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Attendees: Quanda Hood, Lynette Williams, Lisa Persels, Michelle Emmel, Kelly Scheitz, Peg Van Zante, Mary Trimpe, Jill Daly, Becky Bethke
Facilitator: Quanda Hood
Note taker: Becky Bethke
Approval of Minutes
Approval of Treasurer’s Report
Still an open Treasurer Position (Lynette?)
Car Wash - Saturday 8/12 9-3
Theisen’s in Coralville, The Depot in Oxford, LL Pelling in North Liberty
$3214.35 - slightly less than last year?
Manager from Advance Auto Parts in Coralville offered to host a car wash next year.
Quanda will go talk to them.
Talk to the Amana’s Society about having a location in Amana next year.
Take off the word “free” from the signs.
Make sure we hand out fliers to everyone.
The Depot in Oxford did really well. Have a big sign on Marengo next year. Theisen’s was a little light this year.
Reach out to police depts, fire depts, DNR, etc.
On Friday prior to car wash, schedule a 30 minute session for the parents to walk through everything for the car washes.
365 Nutrition - fundraiser for show choir. We get 40% of the profits.
8/27 - 8 am to 1 pm
Have flyerfor this event.
Quanda has posted this on the FaceBook page.
Michelle will hand out fliers this Thursday (Quanda to email the flyer). Lindsey will also be there to do family memberships.
Tidal Wave car wash has a digital fundraiser. - Winter Fundraiser
Light Up Oxford - date - 12/1
Advertise better
Line Up Carolers
Do free hot chocolate or free will donation hot chocolate?
We will do gift wrapping.
Summer Carnival - summer 2024
Plan the carnival for next summer. Ask now for folks to volunteer for a planning committee. N International Festival - Being Planned by the District, conflict? Possibly at the end of the 2023-2024 school year?
Quanda created a signup genius for planning committee.
Kelly to start planning and holding meetings.
Monster Band - Meeting to discuss not yet planned.
Won't be able to do in the gym this year. Looking for alternative locations.
Amana Performing Arts Center?
Park Place in Tiffin by Casa Tequila, in the grassy area?
District Office?
Parking Lot at the school?
West Music – possible gift wrapping event (Sherry Worthington, VP at West Music)
Saturdays and Sundays starting the weekend after Thanksgiving through the Saturday before Christmas.
Mums Sale - fall.
Peg, Kelly, and Michelled to coordinate.
Can we use Costco instead?
Have mums available to pre-order, but also for sale at the football games.
Quanda to figure out the dates.
Iowa Hawkeyes - partner with Aramark for the events.
The football games are all full.
We should be able to do Basketball & Wrestling at Carver.
We will try to get in Kinnick next year.
There are still events at XTream Arena and Carver.
If there is a concession stand with alcohol, must be 18 or older to serve.
Fruit sales - Lindsey is working on this. Plan is to have this at the high school. We should hopefully be able to do the drive at the back of the building.
Competitions are coming up. Sign up geniuses will be created.
Past Events
RAGBRAI recap - accountants are figuring out the money for us. We think it’ll be around $2500.
We will watch RAGBRAI for next year & future years. If RAGBRAI passes through any communities in our district, we will try to sell water.
Band Camp Leadership/Freshman Lunch - we served pizza from Costco.
We served approx. 70 students.
Show Choir Lunch - we served walking tacos.
District Needs
Quanda and Lindsey met with the district on August 8th for the Affiliate meeting.
It sounds like the board reviews the affiliate handbook around June, but meeting is until August, so we don't have much time for review.. We asked if the date could be moved to a different date to allow more time to review.
Arts teachers are being given a new deadline of January to make requests.
We suggested that all departments should have the same deadline, not just the arts departments. They agreed & will update the handbook.
The affiliate handbook will be delayed.
This year parents were not given the option to opt in at time of student registration to FAME and the Athletic Boosters. We would rather receive all emails from parents/guardians in the district and allow them to opt out through our website. This way we could at least get all email addresses.
Trailer Band Wraps
Need one piece of clip art for the final design.
Chris and Quanda are working on finalizing the design.
Our name, logo, and QR code will be included in the design.
Quanda working on getting 3 quotes.
PAC Upgrades -
End of Summer is when we are expecting work to be completed.
Drum Major ladders - these have been ordered. $3500 has been allocated for the ladders.
Family Memberships
Tier I - $50
Tier II - $75
Targeting 2023/2024 School Year
Swag for Tiers:
Tier 1: Lapel Pin/Sticker ($50)
Tier 2: T-Shirt plus Tier 1 ($75)
We will also have membership cards and Quanda will try to have FAME seating at events.
Business Letter - updating
Need help to reach out to other businesses.
New business sponsor - Ample (x) Consultants!
Yard Signs - will be sold separately from the memberships.
We will do a blue background w/ white lettering and a white background w/ blue lettering option and use the CCA approved font.
Peg is willing help out and to manage the management of the signs and riders.
Have purchaser pay for shipping if they want to have shipped directly to them. Free (reduced) shipping if shipped to Peg & pick up at an arranged pick up time.
There is no discount for multiple signs.
There are two different sizes of sizes, a larger one and a smaller one.
We will be doing these with the sports boosters. We are still determining how much of the profit will go to the sports boosters.
We have not decided on the final cost yet.
We have opened a money market account, where we will put all funds from the Giving Tree.
Show Choir funds - Tracey has asked to know how much money is in the show choir funds account.
We have purchased We have always had, but this way .com will redirect to us in case someone enters that.