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April 2019 Minutes

Updated: Oct 5, 2019

FAME 4/8/19, 6:30 p.m. CCA Band/Chorus Meeting Room, CCAHS (DRAFT)

In attendance:  Mick and Amber Scheetz, Nicole Alcorn, Linda McNeil, Kim O’Connell, Quanda Hood, Carol Preston, Amy Tackaberry, Geoff Emmell,.

Carol doesn’t have March minutes typed yet. Will get those out soon and email to board.

Fine Arts News and Updates –

Musical this weekend. Need more people to help serve refreshments at intermission. Geoff will get 90 doz cookies from HyVee in Coralville. 30 doz. were donated and we will buy 60 doz. for reduced cost of $2/doz. Geoff will get the credit card from Linda to purchase. Linda will purchase the lemonade. Will need 4 containers to mix the lemonade.

CCE and Amana Elementary band and choir concerts are coming up in mid April. Geoff is in contact with the directors to give them business inserts for their programs.

HS Art Club will be having a workshop for elementary kids on April 15. There are 20 spots. Amy T. offered snacks to be purchased by FAME, but she hasn’t heard back from Mary Pat yet.

MS SEIBA band contest will be at the middle school April 17. Amy is ordering 50 sandwiches from Chik Filet, and there will be hot dogs, pizza, etc. at the concession stand. Kim is working on other food.

Treasurer’s Report – Linda gave the report. Last month we added an allocation account for Jazz Band. They ordered T-shirts to sell. Linda paid for them, but hasn’t received all the funds from the sales yet. They also received about $75 from a donation basket at Night of Jazz. The Jazz Band allocation will be used to pay for a performance of the Night Mayor band at Night of Jazz, which includes a former CCA student, Andrey Floranovich. Emily Chatfield, and Susan Macumber submitted allocation forms for reimbursement or purchases. Patrick Flaherty said that he didn’t want to use the past 2 years allocations, but would like to buy some things for the new elementary opening next school year.

Team Reports -

Scholarships – Amy asked the HS counselor Mr. Reisinger about presenting the FAME scholarship at awards night. He told her that they are not having it this year. FAME will present the awards at the Band and Choir spring concerts.

Business Memberships – Geoff said that they had filled 19 out of the 20 business membership spots. Linda received a check from the business membership, Portraits by Jeanna. Carol will send a thank you note. Geoff will put the ad is in the musical program and included in inserts for other spring concerts. Quanda will give a shout out on Facebook.

Individual Memberships - Geoff commented that the Membership Committee might get more people involved, from the Individual Memberships, if we did some follow up with members after they sign up. Suggestions to have a table at football games to sell T-shirts, window clings and memberships. Mick suggested we have a more general FAME t-shirt. We could sell other T-shirts for individual arts programs, band show shirts and other band t-shirts. T-shirts generally have a $2-$5 profit. May be a good idea to have more membership sign up tables at spring Middle School events. Sign up now for memberships through the next school year. Middle school band and choir concerts are coming up May 16 and 28. Amber, Geoff, Mick, Nicole, Amy and Jeff will coordinate to staff those tables.

Non Profit status – On April 4, the FAME board and Jeff Tackaberry had a worksession to work on filling out the 1023 form. Carol and Linda will be updating the form and additional responses document, and send it to the rest of the board to review. Amy send all business members a letter apologizing for our previous statements that FAME was a 501c3. In the letter we explained the situation and offered to refund their donations if they chose. The letter is saved to the FAME google drive. Amy received 2 responses and both were positive and the businesses did not want a refund. Carol thought the amount to include with the 1023 is $600 based off information on the IRS site. Check is written for $850.

Marching Band equipment request – Ms. Williamson sent another email to Kim, describing the proposed purchase of sound equipment.

Ms. Williamson wasn’t able to attend the FAME meeting due to rehearsal for the musical. The board had questions about the purchase, and if they had talked to the school about paying for some of the cost. FAME board would like Band to complete an allocation request form and meet either at the next board meeting or at another time. Discussion tabled to a work session or the next meeting, once additional information is provided.

FAME provided snack bags for judges and accompanists for the MS Band Solo Ensemble festival on April 4. Cost is $34.

Window Clings – Quanda researched the cost of printing FAME window clings for businesses and individual members. 4”x4”, qty. 100, the cost would be $1.50 each. Everyone thought that was a good idea for next year.

Giving Tree – the repaired portion of the Giving Tree is complete and hanging. The plexiglass piece was made by Plexicraft, S. Gilbert St, in Iowa City. Carol paid about $65 for the piece and is donating that to FAME. Barb is working with Banker’s Advertising on leaves and will hang them once they are in.

Budget Preparation – There hasn’t been time to start working on this yet.

SEIBA MS Band Festival – Kim is opening the concession stand at 2 pm, April 17. She just sent a Sign Up Genius to Ms. Van Holsteijn that went out today. There are going to be about 500 kids attending and our estimate is about 300 kids eating. We will get Chick Filet sandwiches and order pizza from somewhere that delivers. Will get a couple deliveries. Will also have hot dogs and other concession stand food.

Musical – Linda is ordering 15 roses, from the Coralville HyVee, for seniors on Friday night performance of Freaky Friday, 4/12. 4 Freaky Friday t-shirts will be given away, 1 each performance. Discussion on having people put their name in a box, or possibly having a FB giveaway. Quanda is going to see if that is feasible. (Amy will do a random drawing from all FAME members) Carol will send out an email reminder about FAME preferred seating from 6:30 – 6:45 for FAME members at each performance. Will release the seats, 15 minutes before the show.

Officers and turnover – Kim and Amy will be leaving their board positions after the end of this year. Carol and Linda will stay on in Secretary and Treasurer roles for the coming year. FAME board members updated their position descriptions. Will announce these openings for Co-Chairs and encourage FAME members to consider serving. Ms. Williamson has been reaching out to band parents to form a group to do more organization of band specific activities, marching band contests, lunches, etc. May be able to arrange some time after Freshman Band Camp day in August to coordinate between FAME and band parents willing to take on some organization roles with band activities.

Kim noted that the April 2018 Agenda document wasn’t in the Google Drive. Carol will work on locating that.

Big Band Spring Swing – Mr. Smith has asked the CCA Advanced Food class to prepare a lasagna dinner.

Linda is going to check with Mr. Smith about how many roses they will need for seniors at the Band Spring Awards concert.

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