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September 2018 Minutes

FAME 09/10/18, 6:30 p.m. CCA Band/Chorus Meeting Room, CCAHS

In attendance: Kim O’Connell, Linda McNiel, Nicole Alcorn, Tracy Williams, Amy Tackaberry, , Geoff Emmel, Carol Preston, Paul Corbiere, Mick and Amber Scheetz, Tammy Frame, Jeff Tackaberry, Mary Trimpe, Barbara Wiese, Quanda Hood, Brian Mason.

Kim defined the FAME meeting formats and set a 5-10 minute limit to discussion items on the agenda. If a vote is needed on an issue, only the board will vote.

Upcoming Fine Arts Events were summarized and a list was passed out. Fine Arts news will be adding a feature of Students of the Week. Elementary teachers will also contribute to newsletters.

Minutes from 8/13/2018 meeting and the 8/23/2018 work session were reviewed and approved.

Linda summarized the Treasurer’s Report. There is $6,900 after allocations. She may add a line for membership income. Amber Scheetz sent a membership file to Kim. As of 9/10/2018 there were 28 members.

Memberships - Amber Scheetz suggested that someone should go to home games to get more memberships and T. Williams and J. Tackaberry said that we need a presence at all the indoor Fine Arts programs also. Inserts into programs could be added. Q. Hood suggested a presence at the elementary school programs also. J. Tackaberry suggested setting up Ambassadors for each of the elementary schools, maybe through a Sign-Up Genius or through teachers.

Quanda reported that the North Liberty Fun Fair is coming up Oct. 5 and members will look at the possibility of having a membership table at each Fun Fair and a game. (It was later determined that the Fun Fairs wouldn’t be the best to get memberships because of the amount of other activities going on.)

Fundraising – Geoff Emmell and Jeff Tackaberry and Mick Scheetz are working on contacting businesses regarding donations, advertising in play and musical programs, prize donations. Paul Corbiere talked about program books that can be re-used, could contain FAME information and advertisements. Then the insert is the program with the kid’s names, etc. If questions someone could contact David Haas at West High School.

Scholarship – The Scholarship Committee has re-drafted the application form. Kim will send it out again and it should be ready before the holidays.

Marketing – Nicole Alcorn, and Amy Tackaberry said that there are brochures in the FAME storage area in the band room.

Events - Amy T. said that we should start thinking about the “Perks” for members as the holidays approach.

Homecoming parade – Marketing and Fruit Sales teams have worked on some cards to pass out and have fruit snacks to hand out in the parade. Will have trailer and attach the FAME banner. Mrs. Williams is asking students to hand things out.

Kim is going to track down information from elementary teachers on their music calendars. May add events to Facebook page.

FAME webpage has not been updated by Laurie Haman yet.

The topic of fundraising from hosting a concert or other events was brought up, but no further discussion.

Financial – Linda is checking with Bill Devore on the Pay Pal information. The Squares for membership sales at events are $10 each with 2.75% surcharge per transaction. The board agreed to buy 2 at this time.

Fruit Sales – Mary said the prices were lowered a little and they want to get forms out earlier. Mary has the forms ready to give to the teachers and the goal is to get them out before Homecoming. This was because some of the kids wanted more time to sell. Based on some research Mary said that the prizes from 2011-2017 were valued too high which lowered the net income. Mary and Barb have been working on getting donations. She submitted a document to the board showing the prizes available. That document has been saved to the FAME google drive, and is included in each student packet. Sales will continue until 10/31/2018. Mary will be talking with the students in grades 6-8.

Oktoberfest – FAME will have a table in Ben Macumber’s yard to sell fruit and memberships. A square should be available to use. Mary Trimpe will be there unless another person volunteers.

The Band Car Wash made $2,500 in income.

New Business – Mikayla Tackaberry, a student on the Anchor staff has asked if FAME would like to place an advertisement in the newspaper. The board tabled for now.

WaMac Honor Choir - Tracy Williams announced that CCA will be hosting the WaMac Honor Choir and the date is Monday, November 5, 2018. Students and directors will arrive around 12:30 for the clinic and the concert is from 7-8 pm. There will be 400 students and 14-15 directors. FAME will be serving dinner and the cost to participants is expected to be about $5-$7. Kim O’Connell said she would prefer to use the kitchen rather than the concession stand and would check into that.

Quanda Hood suggested that FAME sponsor or promote a juried art competition. She will be doing some research on that possibility.

Paul Corbiere said that he is trying to start an elementary Honors Choir at Tiffin Elementary and is working on getting other districts involved.

Next meeting - Monday October 8, 2018 at 6:30pm in the CCA Band/Chorus Meeting Room.

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