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November 2018 Minutes


FAME 11/12/18, 6:30 p.m. CCA Band/Chorus Meeting Room, CCAHS (DRAFT)

In attendance: Amy Tackaberry, Linda McNiel, Nicole Alcorn, Carol Preston, Geoff Emmel, Mick and Amber Scheetz.

Fine Arts News, winter concerts are beginning. Nicole hasn’t heard from Emily on the Amana and CCE concerts, as there are some issues getting them on a schedule.

Next FAME meeting will be 12/10/18 from 5:45 (5:30) – 6:45, due to the winter band concert at 7pm. Carol will send a monthly notice out to FAME members from the FAME gmail account in the week preceding, and will do that for each meeting.

At the fall play FAME had a booth set up. It was hard to staff every night. At the fall play there was one new member sign up and a $20 donation. Geoff and Amber are going to work on getting a Membership Committee chair appointed and reach out to some of the people who indicated an interest in the committee earlier this fall. Need to get a larger pool of volunteers in order to staff all of the events.

Goal to coordinate with the schools to get the inserts for the programs, and print the right number.

Minutes from October meeting were reviewed and approved.

No formal Treasurer’s Report due to the large amount of business memberships coming in and deposits that need to be made. Generally there was about $1,250 in new business memberships including Just Hogs, Archies, UICCU, Amana Family Practice, 1st Trust, and more from Angie Greiner. Total of $1,890 in new memberships, including individual memberships. Carol still needs contact information for Rings Appliance, Casa Tequila, Yellow Rose Auto, Solon State Bank Tiffin, Light Envy and indication when they pay, in order to send out thank you letters.

For the Vocal Concert on Monday, December 3, 2018, we need someone to speak, possibly Geoff E. and Jeff T., and also at the Middle School concert December 17.

Fundraising Team did a fantastic job at 13 business memberships and still have a goal of 20 by the end of December. They printed 200 business ad inserts to include at concerts.

The Scholarship Committee is still working on the application form.

Quanda has a new website set up and is being reviewed by the board. Still need permission from Bill Devore to release the domain name to use with the new website, or will have to use a different name.

Event and Fundraising ideas, Stan Kenton Orchestra in April 2019. Mr. Smith will be getting back to FAME with more details and the cost. Carol suggested additional fundraising at that event by upselling tickets for a Meet and Greet with the band, sparkling water and hors d’oervres. Nicole and Amy talked about FAME promoting events more and to people outside of the school, Discussed Facebook boosts, newspaper articles, Backpack, and the Corridor Arts calendar and website.

Fruit Sales, so far looks to be similar sales to last year. They have purchased extra fruit to sell at events. Mary Trimpe is organizing distribution on December 1 at Hummer Trucking near Homestead.

FAME has paid for 3 Clipper Anchor ad. Amy is going to talk to Mrs. Rice about the next ad.

Paul Corbiere, Tiffin Elementary was allocated $850 toward the purchase of marimbas. $300 will be used from his yearly allocation and $550 is the extra amount awarded to him from FAME. The marimbas will be used for Tiffin Elementary music programming and opportunities will be possibly offered to students at the Middle School and other elementary schools.

New Business, Mick is going to talk to Buffalo Wild Wings about doing a promotion for FAME. A date is agreed upon and 10% of sales will go to CCA FAME on that date. We will be responsible for advertising and promotion. Mick is checking with them about a 12/20/18 date and maybe again in the spring around the time of the musical.

Mick also suggested purchasing window clings for business members to put in their window. Needs research for vendors to print and pricing. Need more information from Laurie Haman on use of logo. Amy is going to ask Jenn Bollers for information she may have from when she worked with the athletic boosters.

Still considering ideas for giveaways at the FAME booth at concerts.

Next meeting - Monday December 10, 2018 at 5:45pm in the CCA Band/Chorus Meeting Room.

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