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January 2019 Minutes


FAME 1/14/19, 6:30 p.m. CCA Band/Chorus Meeting Room, CCAHS

In attendance:  Linda McNiel, Kim O’Connell, David Raim, Nicole Alcorn, Carol Preston, Geoff Emmel, Amber Scheetz, Quanda Hood, Mary Trimpe.

Fine Arts News will be on the webpage and in the newsletter. We have Speech, Show Choir, Debate and Jazz competitions coming up in the next month or two.

Minutes from the November meeting were approved and will be files in the Google Drive and posted on the FAME webpage.

The Treasurer’s report, Linda changed the format of the report a little, and she added the Choir account, due to a $1,500 net profit from the WaMac honor choir event. Costs were lower due to Kim cooking and planning the meal.

Fruit Sales, Barb Wiese and Mary Trimpe have agreed to co-chair the Fruit Sales for the next three years. This year’s sale was a net of about $8,193. The same Hummer warehouse is available for next year. Carol suggested we all jot down notes and lessons learned for planning next year. Most everything went well. People suggested the space was somewhat small and the signs in the parking lot weren’t very visible. The online sales worked well, but got a late start. Carol suggested that someone let students know when they have an online sale, so that the student could offer to deliver the fruit rather than have the customer come to the warehouse to pick it up.

Team Reports –

Membership - Geoff and Amber are going to work on getting more people on the membership committee.

Marketing - Nicole is going to include a notice in the newsletter about joining teams and ways that people can get involved in FAME. Nicole has nothing new to report. Quanda is continuing to post announcements on Facebook and working on the new website.

Fundraising - Geoff reported that in the Fundraising Team, they have 3 open spots left to include in the business member insert. The next event that they will hand out inserts will be Monster Band. Fundraising and Tracy Williams are looking at creating a more professional insert for the musical. People at the meeting estimated that there would be approximately 500 people attending the Monster Band event.

Scholarships – Kim asked Barb Wiese to chair this team. The application is complete and will be added to the new website. Kim, Barb, a couple teachers and David Hamilton will be working on the Scholarship team. They will start accepting applications as soon as the website is up. It is expected to be up by the end of January. The deadline will be April 1

. They will be awarded on Senior Award night.

Buffalo Wild Wings fundraiser, need to get an update from Mick Scheetz. Amber said they hadn’t heard back yet.

Window Clings for business members – Quanda is going to experiment and work with the FAME logo for window clings. She has a Cricket. We could start with clings for business members and then add it for family memberships next year for an incentive.

Website - Quanda said that she would like more photos from Fine Arts activities for the website. She has set up a window for business ads to scroll and they are hyperlinked to the businesses. The scholarship application is online. It can be filled out online or printed as a PDF and mailed. There is a “Shop” page where people can purchase memberships, tshirts, donate. There are also teacher allocation forms. She is planning to add meeting minutes as a blog. There will be a contact form, and will add a Facebook feed. Thanks Quanda for your extensive work on this!

New Business

Pancake Breakfast, This will be hosted by and will benefit the Musical and Show Choir. The event will be named “Breakfast with the Stars”. The date is Saturday March 2, 2019. Quanda is asking for the meat donations. The Fundraising Team will create a Silent Auction Team and put together 5-10 baskets. Will need 40-50 lbs of pancake mix. Krusteaz will refund half the cost of the mix for fundraising events. Nicole and Bryan Mason will be working on posters.

Monster Band – There will be a Sign Up Genius for volunteers and food donations. Dinner will be walking tacos. FAME will have a membership table with ad inserts to hand out.

Bill Riley Talent Show – David Raim has spearheaded this in past years and is willing to work on it again this year. It will be free to the public. Two age classes, 2-12 and 13-21. Priority will be given to Clear Creek Amana students, but if there is not enough turn out, will open it up to others in the community, so that it will be a good show. March 9

was determined the best choice based on other events. David and Kim will check if the PAC is available. Will need to ask the Fundraising Team to ask for prize donations. In past years, the prizes valued a total of $550, $250 from the Credit Union and $300 from Amana Family Practice. Mary Trimpe offered to ask McDonalds for meal deal coupons to give to all participants. Will need to provide a meal for the judges. Quanda is going to work on the poster.

Debate Regionals will be held at CCA HS on February 8 and 9, Friday and Saturday. Kim will reserve the Home Ec room for Friday and concession stand for Saturday to sell concessions. Walking tacos, pizza, water, Gatorade, coffee, juice, cookies. Will need to provide food for judges and reserve the teacher’s lounge for them. Will do a Sign Up Genius for volunteers and donations.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

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