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April 2023 Agenda and Minutes


CCA FAME Monthly Meeting

Monday, April 10th · 6:30 – 8:00pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Attendees: Quanda Hood, Lindsey Downes, Pegg Van Zante, Elaine Watson, Kurt Ronnfeldt, Mary Trimpe, Paul Corbiere.

  1. Approval of Minutes - LINK - approved

  2. Approval of Treasurer’s Report - LINK

  3. Scholarship

    1. One applicant - $500

    2. Summer Camp Scholarships - qty and value?

      1. Have only received one application so far.

      2. April 1st is the due date.

      3. Are we ok with just having one student? - yes, this one applicant.

        1. Becky to post scholarship recipient on FB and update documents.

  1. Upcoming Events

    1. MS Large Jazz - 4/26

      1. Some schools pre-ordering Pizzas

      2. Food: 2 slices pizza for $5 / 2 hot dogs for $5

Quanda to follow up with Chris about notification to students.

  1. Costco Fundraiser -

    1. Pick Ups - 5/3 from 4 - 8 pm and 5/9 from 6 - 8 pm.

    2. Lindsey to pay. Credit card or by check? Do we need to pre-pay?

  2. Musical Silent Auction - 4/22 - 4/24?

    1. Baskets-Use this list and reach out to different businesses/help put together a basket. Please mark on the list who you have contacted and what you have received/picked up.

      1. We have secured 12 baskets. LAst musical had 15.

      2. We will cut off new baskets on the 14th.

      3. The bidding sheet contains all of the information about the basket. Quanda will get the bid sheets printed.

      4. Do baskets as much as possible. For gift cards/certificates, use a sign holder. For anything that you’re unsure of, reach out to Quanda.

      5. Becky to reach out to Lisa to check the PO Box at the HS.

    2. Tracy has requested lunch for musical students and staff between the matinee and evening performance on Saturday.

    3. There will be approx 60 people.

    4. Should we do a buffet style meal? Possibly a taco bar?

      1. Need approx 10 pounds of meat.

      2. Lindsey will do the meat.

    5. Pegg will take point on being the buffet point person.

      1. Kelly can also help.

    6. Quanda - start working on the sign up by EOW.

    7. Can set up food in the atrium. No food in the PAC.

  3. Future event Ideas - Kelly S

    1. Karaoke Night? Pair with a date night?

      1. On Stage (in the auditorium?)

      2. Commons for younger kids to watch a movie

    2. Date Night/Holiday Shopping?

      1. Face painting, movies, concessions, games, inflatables, etc

      2. Could do holiday crafts if around the holidays. (Lindsey)

      3. For holiday shopping, if parents would be heading to Coral Ridge Mall, TE or OH would be on the way for CCE and Amana kids. (Kelly)

    3. Summer-ish Carnival?

      1. Face painting, Dunk Tank, Inflatables, etc.

      2. The process would be the same. We need to ensure we’re not interrupting summer schedules for grounds work and other maintenance work.

      3. Summer 2023 might be too soon. Look at this for summer 2024.

      4. Would the bigger thrill be doing something at the high school? Could this draw kids from all over the district? (Lindsey)

    4. RAGBRAI is coming through the Amana Colonies/Oxford on July 28th. Is there an opportunity to do a fundraising event while in town?

      1. Peg forwarded the email with the info from the RAGBRAI and Oxford city sites to Quanda.

  4. District Needs

    1. Chimes for OHE - $7478.00 - $4000 coming from OHE, plus TA -$500 leaves a balance of $2978.00 that would come from the general fund.

      1. Presentation by Mr. Corbiere

        1. All kids at Oak Hill will have a chance to play the chimes. Would also like to be able to perform at the MS or HS, or other events.

      2. Fundraiser?

      3. Approved. Pegg motioned to approve, Lindsey seconds the approval. There were no objections.

        1. Quanda to send approval email and include building secretary and principal. Include Mary Lou Grimm for awareness.

    2. Mics for Musical - $1801.91 - approved

    3. PAID per a previous approval - Author Visit at TE - $1450.00

    4. Old - Marching Band Trailer Wrap

      1. Additional vendor for RFQ sent to John to pass to Laurie Hamon

      2. Quanda to get with Kurt to determine the usage of the trailer and how much we want to fund.

        1. It is primarily the band that uses the small trailer.

        2. Groups that want to use the trailers have to check them out.

        3. Quanda to follow-up.

    5. New - Marching Band Trailer

      1. District to cover Trailer Cost

      2. FAME to cover wrap and accessories

      3. Quanda to reach out to the athletic boosters to see if we can work any concessions.

        1. Quanda to follow-up

    6. PAC Upgrades -

      1. Update

      2. Ceremony or some kind of recognition event? - Kurt

        1. Can we piggyback with something that is already at the PAC?

          1. Quanda to find out when this is expected to be done. - Waiting to hear

          2. Spring musical?

          3. Spring band concert and choir concert?

  5. Family Memberships

    1. For now $50 for Individual

    2. Tiers to be set up - SWAG in progress - Targeting 2023/2024 School Year

    3. Go to Kindergarten Round-Up to promote FAME-Spring

    4. Back to School Nights-Need to know when they are in advance-Fall

  6. Business Memberships

    1. Business Letter

    2. Need help to reach out to other businesses.

    3. Reduced membership to $300.

  7. Swag for Tiers

    1. Lapel Pin - very inexpensive, base-level membership, easy to wear at events

    2. New T-Shirt

    3. Yard Sign

      1. We have information on the manf, working on getting a sample made.

      2. Will need to send to District to Review - Quanda

      3. Reach out to Athletics Booster about partnership - Quanda

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